First Idea- The Effects of Anxiety One idea that I have is to create a short film on anxiety, and how it effects different people. One way I could do this could be through the eyes of someone with anxiety and how it prevents them from doing daily tasks. I could also do this through having a physical creature or person that symbolises someone's anxiety. I could go about this by interviewing people anxiety, and how it effects their everyday life. I watched a few of videos to get some inspiration for a short film on anxiety. What Having Anxiety Feels Like This was a video including the narration of a sufferer from anxiety. She tells us about all the physical symptoms she experiences, and yet doesn't notice. She also uses metaphors and similes, such as 'My anxiety feels like fire.', to describe how she feels on a daily basis. It also includes black and white footage. I like the use of the switch between black and white, and colour. thi...